This Sunday we continue our series in the book of Joshua. We’re in perhaps the most famous story in this part of the Bible- the fall of Jericho (Joshua 6). To contemporary ears a story that can seem both bloodthirsty and outrageous. A story that may even seem to display a very God different to the God we know in Jesus Christ.
Yet a deeper look will show that this is not the case. Even here, we find the one true and living God, unchanging down the ages.
What we sense in this true story is not a different God. No. But the true and living God displaying attributes that are very different to anything we human beings possess.
Here is revealed a God who is completely holy, completely just, completely gracious and merciful. So different to we fallen human beings.
And in the final analysis, its only in Christ that these perfections find their full expression. And so we find that even this outrageous story, reveals the Father and the Son, and provides a picture of the salvation that is ours in the Gospel.
All welcome to join us this Sunday, as we enjoy another contribution to our Joshua series from Rev. René.