The Holy Spirit: Our Advocate
This Sunday we begin a new series, meditating upon Jesus’ words about the promised One, the Holy Spirit. As we set ourselves to love and obey Christ, we find ourselves immediately challenged by the world, the flesh and our arch enemy the evil one himself. The good news, our Father does not leave us without defence or comfort. Jesus will not leave us exposed and wanting. Instead, Jesus asks the Father who sends the most wonderful gift: the Holy Spirit. As we face challenges to our walk of obedience today- trial, temptation to allow fear to take over or lose our way in simply living for self- we need his ministry among us. Let us welcome him today.
This Sunday we also THANK GOD FOR OUR EARTHLY FATHERS AND FATHER-FIGURES! May God strengthen you all, and enable you to share our Heavenly Father’s merciful heart.
Reflection Questions
1. Read John 14.15-17. Think of a time when it felt very difficult to fulfil Christ’s commands. What were the obstacles?
2. What is significant about the word ‘another’ when Christ promised ‘another Counselor’ (NIV) or ‘Advocate’(NLT)? (John 14.16).
3. What is significant about the title ‘Advocate’? How does the Spirit speak on behalf of, or advocate, for the disciple in the midst of her trials?
4. What clues are there in Christ’s description of the Spirit’s work, that the Spirit must be: both a Person and Divine?
5. If the Spirit continues the ministry of Jesus- his loving, gracious, healing ministry- what encouragement can the disciple expect in times of trial?