The Holy Spirit: Breathed out by the Risen Lord
Reflection Questions
- How do you see a longing for spiritual experience in your network of family or friends?
2. In John 20.19-23 how does this eye-witness account point to the new powers of Jesus’ resurrected body?
3. In John 20.22 the Risen Lord offers a symbol of the truth that the Spirit will proceed from him. What are the two parts to this symbol?
4. What has to happen before Jesus sends the Spirit upon the discipleship community in a powerful new way? When will this occur? (See John 15.26 & 16.7, and Acts 2.32-33).
5. We live as the discipleship community, this side of Pentecost. Where should we seek spiritual experience? From who?
6. Reflect on some ways the Ascended Lord might more fully become the centre of your search for spiritual vitality in: (i) your personal prayer life, (ii) neighbour love and good deeds in this world, (iii) even in disappointment and suffering. What does it mean to keep Jesus at the centre, and therefore open yourself to the Spirit’s filling, in these dimensions of life?