Reflection Questions
1. Read Joel 2.28-32
Intro: In this prophecy Joel looks forward to a season of God’s saving work, beginning with the gift of the Spirit (v28) and ending with a final judgement (v31) and complete salvation for those who are called by the LORD (v31-32).
What does the prophet say about who the Spirit will be given to?
What does the prophet say about what the Spirit will do, how the Spirit will change the people (v28-29)? What do the gifts and experiences in v28-29 have in common?
2. Read Ezekiel 36.22-36
Intro: Ezekiel was brought to Babylon in 597 BC as part of the exile which fell upon the people as a judgement for their unfaithfulness to God’s covenant. He looks forward to a time of new closeness to God.
What does the prophet say about who the Spirit will be given to?
What does the prophet say about what the Spirit will do, how the Spirit will change the people?
Nb. prophecies of the restoration of Israelite/Judean towns, cities, or the land, are best understood as pointing forward to the new creation pictured at the end of Revelation, eg. Rev. 21.1-5. This lines up with Jesus’ perspective when he spoke of weakness and a cross in the life of discipleship (Luke 14.27) rather than giving us an expectation of worldly power now. Overall, he leads us to expect losses and suffering now, with the promise of a kingdom in the next world (eg. see the beatitudes Matt 5.1-12). Though there is of course rich meaning, joy, and love in the life of discipleship- but no promise of worldly power.
3. Read Jeremiah 31.31-34
Intro: Jeremiah operated as a prophet in the kingdom of Judah for about 40 years from the end of the Assyrian period until the southern kingdom, Judah, was destroyed by Babylon due to her unfaithfulness to God’s covenant. He prophesied about a time when God’s people would become faithful and new.
What does the prophet say about who the Spirit will be given to?
What does the prophet say about what the Spirit will do, how the Spirit will change the people?
4. In one sentence, summarise the way the Spirit would work in the people in God’s new covenant with them (new special relationship), drawing the above prophecies together.
Your summary:
5. What sacrificial act enables the new covenant (Luke 22.20)?
6. In the unfolding expansion of the people of God in the book of Acts, who can join the new people of God? Who receives the indwelling Spirit?
Acts 1.6-9; 2.36-41 (the day of Pentecost); 8.14-17; 10.44-46.
Spend some time praying for the work of the Spirit among your family and friends, as using the teaching of Joel, Ezekiel and Jeremiah we looked at above.
Spend some time also praying for the release and loving use of the gifts of the Spirit (1 Cor. 12-14).