This Sunday we continue our series on the account of Joseph in Genesis. Here in chapter 41 Joseph is lifted from dungeon to right hand man in all Egypt. Here the LORD reveals the meaning of Pharaoh’s dreams. It is a well known episode, but let us consider its relevance.
Some today put their ultimate confidence in human rulers, looking for guidance and help from them. Others look to spirituality- spirit guides, diviners, even consulting the spirits of ancestors. Others look to human ideology- the free hand of the market, or on the other side of the spectrum the progress of the working class, or more recently the great urge to liberate aggrieved groups regardless of individual responsibility. We all seek direction and help from sources like these. Pharaoh stands as a symbol of these idols. He himself was seen as divine by his people. He partnered with the magicians and wise men of Egypt who sought direction from spirits and gods. The ideology of polytheism, a worldview of many gods, held Pharaoh and the people captive. But Pharaoh, the diviners of Egypt, the prevailing worldview, could not offer interpretation of his frightening dreams (Genesis 41.8). One man could. Joseph. Help came not from him, but the LORD he worshipped.
Thus, the LORD demonstrated his supremacy over human kings, gods, and philosophy. May we imitate Joseph’s undiluted witness to the LORD’s supremacy. Our only revealer, controller, and Saviour. The one made flesh in Jesus of Nazareth.
Reflection Questions
- How do you see Frankston/your community look for guidance and a fix to their problems, from:
(I) human leaders
(II) spirits, spirits of ancestors
(III) human philosophy or ideology (class struggle, identity power struggle, or materialism and the free market)
2. Reread Genesis 41.1-8. Pharaoh was seen as a god, in touch with the spiritual world through dreams, able to predict the future. His magicians and wise men were expected to access future predictions through their gods. Why then is v8 so significant? What does it say about the power of Pharaoh and his gods?
3. Reflect on a time when your normal sources of guidance or help failed. Now reread 41.15-32. Who can we turn to for guidance and salvation, when we get to the the end of our resources, like Pharaoh?
4. As Joseph stood before Pharaoh, washed up and ready to help him (v14), what temptations might he have felt to dilute his witness to the LORD?
5. What pressures are there in life today to make the LORD out to be less than supreme- less than revealer, ruler and Saviour?
6. What can we learn from Joseph’s example in 41.15-32? How does he provide a model of not watering down our witness?
7. Take ten minutes to read and enjoy the account from 41.33-57. How do you see God’s promise to Abraham in Genesis 12.1-3, being fulfilled through Joseph?