Sunday, March 7th, 2021


The LORD’s care when the powerful murder and steal.

In 1 Kings 21, Ahab comes to Naboth and asks to buy his vineyard. On the surface it’s a perfectly fair, reasonable request. Why does Naboth reject Ahab’s offer? Because he was righteous. He knew the law of God, and he knew the wisdom of the law. He probably also knew there would be consequences for going against the “request” of a king like Ahab. But he held his Lord God in higher honour than even the king.

This is our challenge, too. We look at Naboth in amazement and we admire his courage and his integrity, because we know ourselves how difficult this is — the temptation to compromise, the pressure to go against God’s will for us, because the alternative is easier.

It’s tempting to satisfy ourselves, or to satisfy our fellow human beings, than it is to give honour and obedience to God. But we know God’s mercy: Jesus took the judgment for all the different ways we compromised. He took on all our guilt in fearing people rather than fearing God. So we thank him and live a life of repentance for his glory.