The LORD’s extraordinary care for all kinds of people.
This week we hear of some of the miraculous happenings associated with Elisha. We see that he is similarly effective and a worthy successor in ministry to his master Elijah. But more than that, we see Elisha’s, and thus God’s, support for “those who fear the Lord”, particularly in times of great need, and lacking in power and resources of their own. We are reminded of some of the characteristics of God – his compassion, provision, bounty, and kindness. We also see examples of the characteristics of true discipleship of God’s people – faithfulness, availability, hospitality, generosity, trust, and obedience. In Elisha’s day, God acted miraculously and with kindness to meet the immediate needs of his people; this was a foretaste of his greatest miracle and kindness in sending Jesus to satisfy the ultimate need of us all, the solution to our state of separation from God, in his own sacrifice, death and resurrection. This we look forward to celebrating over the coming weeks, the highpoint of our Christian faith.
As we prepare to celebrate the Easter season, let us remember and give thanks to our Great God, whose lovingkindness is Forever Faithful.