Sunday July 17, 2022

Nehemiah Seeks Favour for the Restoration Project and so can we for ours!

Last Sunday we began a new series on the oft overlooked book of the Bible, Nehemiah. A great need came to Nehemiah’s attention as he went about his duties in the capital of the Persian empire, Susa. That need was the vulnerable position of the returned exiles, many miles away, in Jerusalem. The defences of the city lay in ruins and the temple worship open to the influence of pagan gods. In today’s text (Neh. 2.1-10), having prayed about the need for upwards of 100 days, Nehemiah seeks favour for his strategic goal. That goal: to influence the king– Artaxerxes, to support the restoration project. Three lessons for us…
1. Nehemiah felt afraid, and it is ok for us to feel afraid too as we go about our restoration project.
2. Nehemiah employed great wisdom as he sought favour, and we should employ that same wisdom.
3. Nehemiah held together virtues of trust in God and planning.


Reflection Questions 

1. As we consider our restoration project, namely participating in the renewal of Jesus centred, Bible based, community, how might we fear the following: 

(a) failure; (b) making a mistake; (c) suffering; (d) rejection or disfavour 

2. As we consider our personal lives, how might we fear:

(a) economic hardship; (b) suffering or illness; (c) rejection 

3. How do these fears sometimes prevent us from trusting Jesus and participating in his mission for us? 

4.  Read Nehemiah 2.1-10. Though Nehemiah seems like an invulnerable leader, it is important to note his frailty. He feared sharing his concern for the stalled Jerusalem restoration project with King Artaxerxes (Nehemiah 2.1-2). How might he have feared  Artaxerxes may respond? Read Ezra 4.7-23 for background. 

5. Reflecting back on his great prayer of intercession in Nehemiah chapter one, what is it about the LORD that would have enabled Nehemiah to overcome his fear of Artaxerxes? 

6. Think of the sayings of Jesus in the Gospels. What does he point to as a source of courage when beset by unwanted fear? An example is  Matthew 10.26-33. 

7. What evidence do you see of the integration of planning and faith in Nehemiah’s relationship to Artaxerxes in 2.1-10? How can we both plan to participate in Christ’s mission, and have the faith to?