Nehemiah 12: Dedication, Commitment and Celebration
This week’s Nehemiah passage is the dedication of the Jerusalem wall, a time of recommitment and rejoicing. When we hear the description of this dedication in today’s reading from Nehemiah, we can’t help but be impressed by the pomp and ceremony that took place, and the amount of detailed planning that went into it. It reminds me of a wedding, and all the planning and anticipation that occurs before the actual event, which includes serious vows of dedication and commitment, followed by great feasting and celebration.
The Bible tells of another wedding feast in the future, that also requires planning, preparation and commitment. Jesus has issued an invitation to all of us – “Come unto me”, “I am the resurrection and the life”. Our first response is to accept his invitation to join him in a future wedding feast, which he has won for us by his sacrifice on the cross. The parable in Matthew 25 reminds us that we don’t know when is the time this final cele- bration will occur, and we need to be ready, ie. living a life of discipleship, in faith and repentance.
Reflection Questions
Readings: Nehemiah 12:27-45; Psalm 150; Matthew 25:1-13
1. The subtitle for our Nehemiah series has been ‘Rebuild, Restore’ – appropriate for us in this time of ‘covid recovery and regathering’. I would add 2 more ‘Re’ words, for today’s theme: Recommit and Rejoice. How many more ‘Re’ words can you think of that may add to this theme? Explain your choice.
2. Read Nehemiah 12:27-43. What special occasion are you reminded of, and how?
3.(a) Nehemiah felt God’s call to return to Jerusalem and head up the project to rebuild the city wall. Why do you think rebuilding the wall, at the circumference of the city, would be so important, especially in comparison to the temple, at the centre of the city?
3.(b) How can this be an illustration of us taking care of our spiritual lives?
4.(a) Do you think the parallel between the dedication of the wall of Jerusalem and a wedding is reasonable? Why, or why not? What about the wedding banquet that is referred to in Matthew 25:1-13? (Also see Matthew 22:1-14 for another parable of Jesus about the future heavenly banquet.)
4.(b) What preparation is required by us/you/me for this future wedding banquet?
5. The theme for St Luke’s 60th anniversary celebrations could easily be, ‘Rejoice and Recommit’ (as we rejoice in our past, and recommit to the future). What would you like to rejoice and give thanks for over the time of your involvement with St Luke’s?
6. How can you recommit to the future, to ensure the moving forward of the church’s vision, under God?
7. Conclude this time by reading Psalm 150 – if you are in a group, read it aloud together, or take turns at each verse. Take time to relish in a time of praise and celebration of our Awesome God.