Sunday, August 1

This Sunday we continue our new series, Exploring our St Luke’s Values 

2. We value our unity in Christ 

We are made one by his blood

By faith in his blood, Christ knits his people together into one spiritual body. At St Luke’s we seek to honour Christ’s sacrifice by practicing the unity he has won for us at so great a cost.

We practice this unity by gathering in congregations Sunday by Sunday. These worshipping communities reflect the diverse social tapestry of the City of Frankston. In these congregations we identify with Christ rather than finding our first identity in our age, cultural background, line of work, family role, worship style, music preference- or any other identity factor. Jesus makes us one. 

We live together in Christ 

In our St Luke’s congregations and across the St Luke’s community we seek to support one another, bear one another’s burdens, rejoice with one another and mourn with one another. We seek to care for each other deeply, practically and prayerfully. We spur one another on in the life of faith in the power of the Spirit.


Reflection Questions 

  1. In Acts 10, Peter has a vision of the animals and the voice from heaven. What does he understand this to mean?
  2.  In his ministry, Jesus broke down barriers set up be the clean/unclean laws, as well as common social conventions. Can you think of some examples of this?
  3. Consider how you might be prejudiced against some types of people because of your upbringing, past experience or your world-view. How can God help you overcome these attitudes?
  4. Cornelius was a good man, but he needed God’s mercy as much as anyone. How does a full understanding of God’s grace help us to fully love and serve one another at St Luke’s?
  5. Read Ephesians 2:11-18.  How has your experience of union with Christ empowered you to live as a member of his Church?