Last weekend we had a wonderful dinner plus Sunday worship gatherings to launch our vision for the year to come. It is a plan to build upon what we are already doing across our community.
Our particular initiatives included the Friendship Factor – a plan to help develop our friendships capacity, as making friends is at the heart of how God functions.
Step Up – youth and adults represent a process of leadership development. It’s a plan to better equip and develop people to exercise positive leadership in their lives. Step Up youth begins from Grade 5 entry, and works through both practical skills and focused learning.
Kids Hope is a one-to-one mentoring program for children in primary schools. It’s a great way to build relationship and practically assist in the development of young lives. This is scheduled to begin in third term with a local primary school. We are seeking appropriate mentors for this.
We are also planning some facilities up-grade for the sake of being better able to cater well for families and all ages.
Resourcing our vision is the challenge we are taking on. To make our mission sustainable this year we need to boost our income. STRIVE is the way we are doing it – inviting people to add $5 a week to their giving, or begin if they are not currently doing so. If 100 people can respond to this we will reach our needed target for the coming year. Already we are almost half way to that increased target. If you are wanting to back this mission in the year ahead, giving to God through St Lukes, then it will be a blessing to have you on board.
The church is not a few people doing things for the many. Every follower of Jesus Christ is a member of the church, and every one has a vital role to play. We pray you will know your role with the local church, whether it is as part of St Luke’s or at another church.