“Jesus looked at him and loved him. “One thing you lack,” he said. “Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.” (Mark 10:21).
This remarkable incident in the ministry of Jesus reveals just how tough following Jesus can be. This is part of Jesus interaction with a wealthy young man whose wealth had become a barrier to him embracing the path of Jesus. Jesus effectively says, “leave it behind; it’s killing you”.
I have been thinking lately about the cost of following Jesus. We live in a world of convenience stores, push button appliances, instant global communications and entertainments at our finger tips. There is very little we need to do without. We have been convinced that this is no less than we deserve!
The church can also be something of a convenience store. It is there when we need it. God is there to fix things up so I can get on with living my life the way I like it.
This mentality makes me wonder about our commitment levels as Christians today, and how it compares with those who follow other beliefs or causes.
Are we as Christians more committed to the gospel in our day as Muslims are to the Koran or Hindus to their gods? Are we more committed than those who give their lives to particular causes, whether it be saving whales or the barrier reef or the rainforests?
Are we more committed than those who are devoted to their football team or their yacht or their garden, or whatever it may be?
The imagery of baptism is that when we are baptized we die. Our life is over. We no longer live for ourselves. Who wants to die? That doesn’t sound like a popular call! Maybe that’s why the young man walked away from Jesus. Maybe it’s why we can walk away today. The path to real life only comes through death, resurrection only through crucifiction. We want the glory, not the pain.
One thing’s for sure. The church of the future will not be built on a Christianity of convenience. It never has been and it never will be.
If you are in some way experiencing the cost of following Christ at this time in your life, rejoice! That might just mean you are on the right path!