God First in 2013


Let’s resolve to put God first in this year ahead. February is here, schools are back and the summer holidays are quickly receding in our minds. I hope you are refreshed and keen for all that God has in store for us.

This year we are seeing

  •   new staff assistant with Chris Lynch;
  •   new Connect 4 leaders in Catherine and Daniel Price;
  •   a renewed vision for the future through our discipleship process and four-fold mission;
  •   additional training opportunities in leadership and skills for Christian living;
  •   new small groups and opportunities to serve;
  •   then there’s what we are already doing and building upon in an extensive range of current ministries.

Is this a ministry of a few on behalf of many? Not at all. This year we will only grow if we all play our part, whoever we are. If you consider yourself a member of our church, we need you on board.

Put God first

  •   in your worship. Yes, there are many other things happening in life, many invitations we may receive to do other things. Choose to worship. Let’s not become complacent in our worship.
  •   in your giving. We all have the spiritual need to give, and financial giving to God and His work is vital for all of us. Tithing is a practice to be commended. If you can’t do that at this time, do something. It’s not the size, it’s the love and the sacrifice. Every single gift makes a difference. For the giver, it fosters a heart like God’s. It also enables the mission of the church. Let’s not become complacent in our giving.
  •   in your serving. We are all called to serve. Jesus came not to be served but to serve. The attitude of humility and the practice of serving mark Christianity out as distinctive and radical. Jesus says the harvest is plentiful but the labourers/servants are few. How true today. Let’s not become complacent in our serving.


During second term this year we will journey through a process together to renew our stand for God and our commitment to His church. Yet we begin now, soon to journey with Jesus through Lent, leading to His cross and the power of resurrection.

Let’s grasp the nettle in 2013, and put God first!