“My goal is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love…” (Colossians 2:2).
These are two beautiful and needed aspects of church life. Paul says this is what his goal is for them at Colossae. It remains a wonderful goal today.
‘Encouraged in heart’: this suggests a deep-seated encouragement, more than a pep talk. Encouragement is needed because we know the mission of Christ and the message of Christ is not always welcomed. Not then. Not today. It can be hard to follow Christ.
We know this is needed, because what happens when we are discouraged in heart? Well, that’s when we give up, pull back, or withdraw. It’s easy for that to happen in church life, and in individual life. To be encouraged is to be ‘given courage’ to keep serving our God.
So, how might we be encouraged in heart? Paul goes on to say that in Christ “are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge” (Col 2:3). Our encouragement comes, most of all, by keeping our eyes on Jesus, and pondering the treasures we find in Him.
‘United in love’: with encouragement comes unity. Paul wants these people to be united in love, to work together, serve Christ together, and show forth to the world what He has done. That’s why teamwork is so central to how we function.
As we approach our Vision Dinner next Saturday, it really is all about being encouraged in heart and united in love. It is not that we have any magic formula or secret ingredient to somehow make the church a remarkable success story. But it is about, with courage, taking the next steps of our journey together.
Encouraged and united. Let’s be part of the next chapter of St Luke’s, and for all that God has for us in being His kingdom people, His church, in this place.