We have a number of services at St Lukes this week, as we reflect on the Easter event and what it means for not just the church, but the world.

Maundy Thursday April 17

7.30pm Service with foot-washing and communion, recalling Jesus’ final meal prior to His arrest.

Good Friday April 18

9.30am Reflective service and passion reading @ St Lukes

11.00am Combined churches service and march @ foreshore—followed by free children’s activities and music from stage area. Acted scenes from the Easter events at various locations around the foreshore.

Easter Eve April 19

8.00pm Service of Light, with readings about the fulfilment of Easter and renewing our baptismal commitment.

Easter Day April 20

Our three morning celebrations—8.00, 9.15, 11.00, celebrating our risen Lord, and the climax of our 40 Days Desert to Destiny—celebrate the destiny of resurrection!