Sunday Dec 18, 2022

Advent 4: Jesus Our New and True Hope
The God who Exceeds Expectation

If you or I have the privilege of attending the theatre, the second instalment of a favourite movie franchise, or a rock concert of a favourite band, we feel joy when the experience meets the expectation we hold. Friends, we worship a God who does more. Gabriel announced the coming of God the Son into the world (Luke 1.26-38). From Gabriel we learn that God exceeds our highest expectations. He exceeds the expectation of his people in the miracle of a virgin birth- something unheard of. God also fulfills yet exceeds the great hope of a human Messiah in sending something greater- His own unique Son. May we imitate Mary’s example of surrender to the God who exceeds our expectations.

Reflection Questions

Read Luke 1.26-38.

1.  Have you ever been to a concert, movie, or theatre production that fell short of expectation? Share the story and how you felt. 

2. (i) This week we consider two ways that Jesus’ birth exceeded expectations. Can you think of occasions in the Old Testament where a faithful couple that was sadly unable to conceive is then granted a child? One example is Abraham and Sarah in Genesis 18.10-15 & Genesis 21.1-8. Can you think of others? There are a number of examples. Share other similar stories from the Old Testament.  

(ii) In these Old Testament accounts, what was God doing to fulfil his promise or save his people at the time he gave a child to those unable to conceive? 

3. (i) What other couple with a story of a miraculous gift of a child are we reminded of in Luke 1.24-26?

(ii) How does the work of God in giving Jesus to Mary (Luke 1.26-31) exceed the miracles of baby Isaac, or baby John?

4. Not only did Jesus come in more miraculous fashion, but he has a higher identity than any mere human hero of the Old Testament. Ponder carefully Luke 1.32-33. List the titles or descriptions of Jesus in the angel’s words. 

5.  Read God’s original promise to David of a descendent who would reign on David’s throne (2 Samuel 7.8-17). How is the baby Gabriel announces in Luke 1.32-33 greater even than the human king promised David?

6. To be called ‘Son of the Most High’ is to say much about Jesus. It is to say that he will share the perfect attributes of his Father, he will be just like God the Father. It is also to say that he will share the same divine nature as the Father.

(i) Where do you see Jesus share in the Father’s attributes (kindness and mercy etc) or divine nature, in Luke’s Gospel?  

(ii) Did Gabriel get it right, then, in calling Jesus ‘Son the Most High’?

7. (i) How does Mary allow herself to sit with mystery in her response to Gabriel’s words? 

(ii) How does Mary trust and submit to God’s will, revealed through Gabriel, though some things remain a mystery to her?

(iii) How can you embrace what has been revealed but allow yourself to sit with mystery, this Christmas?