Sunday, July 7, 2024

Reflection Questions 

Mark 2.1-12

Questions. Please provide verse numbers for your group to follow, as you answer.

  1. What do the four friends do to show their faith, in Mk. 2.1-5?
  1. Who is viewed more favourably in the story: the crowd of people listening to Jesus in the Capernaum home, or the four friends who bring their mate? Hint: what does the crowd get in the way of? Discuss and provide reasons from the passage.
  1. For Jesus, what is the first priority of restoration (Mk 2.5)?
  1. Read Psalm 103.8-13. What attributes of God move him to forgive?
  1. Also on Psalm 103.11-12. What image is used to describe the removal of sin’s guilt and penalty?
  1. How would you describe the healing miracle Jesus performs in Mark 2v11-12? Easy for Jesus or hard for him? What means did he use? Instant or gradual? 
  1. How is Jesus’ supreme authority (over bodies and souls) demonstrated in this true account?
  1. Mark is the author of this Gospel. He is traditionally understood to be passing on Peter’s memories and testimony about Jesus. He introduces Jesus as ‘the Messiah, the Son of God’ Mk 1.1. As the Father’s Son, what powers does Jesus share with his Father, based on today’s account?