Sunday, 17th January, 2021

This week we continue looking at the early stages of Jesus’ ministry, and today we come to his baptism in the Jordan by John (Luke 3:21-38).

Jesus submits to the ritual of baptism, not because he needs to turn his life around, but that like everyone else there, he resolves to live for God. In his baptism, we see that Jesus is like us, and that he’s not like us.

He’s a legitimate human being, born a descendant of Adam. He’s born into our human situation, able to identify with us in every way: to share our suffering and our joy and longing and hunger and pleasure and every human emotion.

This is the only way he can become our substitute on the cross. He had to be fully human, not just a pretend human. He’s the second Adam, who would live his life in God’s presence but do it right this time. Instead of leading humanity away from God, like Adam did, Jesus will lead us back to God.

Questions for Reflection:

  1. Was there a time when you prayed to God for a change in your life? Did God answer the way you expected?
  2. What does the Holy Spirit arriving in the form of a dove tell us about the kind of ministry Jesus will have?
  3. When God speaks, he alludes to 2 different parts of the Old Testament: Psalm 2 and Isaiah 42. What do each of these references tell us about the Christ?
  4. Jesus is a real, living, breathing human being. Is Jesus real to you? How can we remind ourselves of Jesus humanity?