Advent 1: Jesus Our New and True Hope
This Sunday we mark Advent 1, and begin preparing for Christ’s coming. The Christ enters the world as the one who gives us true, real hope. Now we can have vision for the future.
We would love you to be with us for our Combined Service, this Sunday at 10am,
followed by…
St Luke’s 2022 Annual Meeting at 11.30am.
At the Annual Meeting we will look back on the year, and strengthen one another for the year ahead.
Reflection Questions
Read Romans 12.1-2
1. Paul makes his appeal on the grounds of God’s mercy (verse 1). How would you define and describe God’s mercy to you?
2. Why would the idea of worship as ‘the presentation of our bodies’ come as a shock to some who read Romans? What does it mean in practice for you?
3. In what ways do you tend to be conformed to the broken or twisted values of contemporary culture? How in practice can you overcome this tendency according to Romans 12.1-2?
(above questions adapted from Study Questions in John Stott’s ‘The Message of Romans’ IVP)
4. Praying for 2023
Take a copy of the Annual Report and together read the section on the 6 Challenges (p9-10) and the 6 Next Steps (p10). Then spend time offering these matters to the Lord, praying for his kingdom come.