Hope For Our Work
The young among us spend years preparing for work in the world. Whether roles in the trades, business, the professions, the arts, raising children or other kinds of service. The Lord gave Adam the role of caring for Eden, and developing it (Gen 2.15). The Lord gave all humankind the mandate to rule and fill the world, taking its natural resources and drawing forth fruit to benefit all (Gen 1.28). Here is our mandate to work, to create, to develop the capacity of the natural world, in the image of our great God. But so often our labour is difficult. So often our work fails to produce the intended benefit. Where, then is the hope for work? Isaiah 60.1-16 offers hope for every good work. A hope fulfilled in Christ. A hope that strengthens our hands for our work in the world today.
Reflection Questions
1. Think of a time when a job or responsibility you were attempting to fulfil didn’t work out. Why was it hard?
2. In Genesis 3.17-19, what are consequences of Adam’s disobedience?
3. The world we live has been altered from God’s good intent to become a place where work is difficult. The Genesis account in 3v17-19 speaks of a cursed ground (bad conditions for work), the strenuous nature of work (toil is now painful and sweat inducing), and the unintended bad consequences of work (sometimes weeds grow where we planted seed). Discuss examples of poor work conditions, over strenuous work, and unintended bad results.
3. Read Isaiah 60. 1-16. Here we have another vision of a renewed Jerusalem and temple. The prophet looks forward from his day (the 8th Century BC) to the furthest horizon of time when the Lord will come to earth and reveal his glorious presence, bringing salvation and judgement. Who will come to the presence of the Lord and what will they bring?
4. In this vision there is a sense that the nations known to Israel will bring their best work, the best gifts of their culture, to be presented to the Lord . The Midianites will bring camels they were good at breeding (v6). The people of Kedar sheep they raised (v7). Lebanon its glorious timber (v13). What are the best gifts of contemporary Australian culture? Have you ever thought about those gifts being taken into Christ’s possession, presented to him, at his return?
5. Read Matthew 2.1-13. How do you see Isaiah’s vision beginning to be fulfilled at Christ’s first coming?
6. Our work will one day be presented to Jesus to be purified and perfected or alternatively burned up and destroyed (2 Peter 3.10-13 using ESV translation). This changes our attitude to work today.
(I) Knowing that we will present our work to him then, we find a new desire to work for Jesus now (rather than for selfish ends).
(II) we find a new zeal to do good work, knowing it will be assessed by Jesus. And what is good will pass into the new creation.
(III) we find a new desire to be the kind of people who can stand and present our work ourselves, safe from Christ’s judgement because of our faith in the mercy of our Lord.
Take time to reflect on the significance of one of these applications for your life this week.