This Sunday we continue our series in the book of Nehemiah.
Having returned to Jerusalem from exile in Susa, Nehemiah has overseen the successful rebuild of the city wall. The people have navigated opposition and been strengthened to persevere despite the great workload. So there is cause for encouragement as we reach chapter 8.
However a question remains. Is a new temple, and a new wall, enough to secure the success of a city? In chapter 8 we learn that a city is built by God’s powerful word, rather than by stone and wood. The people thirst for that word, demanding of their leaders ‘bring out the book’ (Nehemiah 8.1). The Law of Moses, God’s word written, is then read for all to hear, in a big festival. The meaning is expounded. We learn from this episode that the word of the Lord must be known. Also, that when it is known, that same word is powerful to change the community from the inside out, as the Lord works. And we today recognise the whole of the Old and New Testaments as God’s word written: the Old fulfilled in Christ, the New testifying to him.
May the Scriptures continue to change us by the Spirit as we commit ourselves to making them known.
Reflection Questions
1. We know that the a new temple had been built (by 516BC) and that the city wall had also been completed (Nehemiah chapter 6). How would the returned exiles have felt about this?
2. Read Nehemiah 8.1-3. What do you notice about the returned exiles’ attitude towards the Scriptures of the law of Moses (our Genesis-Deut.)? How might this be inspirational for us today?
3. Consider the whole people, younger and older, gathered to listen to the Scripture being read for five or six hours. Don’t worry, they are near the Water Gate v3, which suggests a water source nearby to be used when thirsty.
(i) Why is it significant that the scrolls were read out from a platform (v4)? How might this inspire our attempts to share the Bible widely today? What are our platforms?
(ii) What do the people stand up for (V5), Ezra or the word of God? Why is this important?
4. Reflect on Nehemiah 8.1-12. What evidence do you see that the community is united in its zeal for the word of God? What kinds of people participate in the Scripture reading event?
5. In Nehemiah 8.1-12 what evidence can you see that God was at work through his word to transform his people?
6. What does God work through the knowledge of the Scriptures today? 2 Timothy 3.14-17.
7. A city is build by trust and obedience to God’s words. Discuss.