Sunday, June 12, 2022

Genesis 50: God is Fulfilling His Plan

Over the past few weeks in our preaching series we have taken a speedy journey through Genesis chapters 37-50, following the story of Joseph.

The story runs much deeper than this narrative, even from which there is much for us to learn. One thread is the example of Joseph’s steadfast trust in God through thick and thin – his own personal persistence in ‘running the race’ of faith. Another thread is that God, in spite of evil and harm, was all the while working out his plan of salvation for his chosen people, a plan that would not be thwarted.

A third thread is the pattern of Joseph that foreshadows Jesus – how Jesus’s life, death and resurrection were also the working out of an even greater plan – the salvation of humans from the final death, and the restoration of our relationship to the Father, through the Son, in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Today we celebrate Trinity – the uniqueness of the Christian faith that worships One God, in Three Persons – Father, Son, and Spirit. This belief is a mystery that defies adequate explanation or comprehension, hence we live by faith. In that reality, we can experience for ourselves life in the Spirit, worshipping the Son, glorifying the Father.

May we be inspired and encouraged by the life and example of Joseph, as we live in relationship with our Triune God.

Reflection Questions

1. Read Genesis 50:15-21.  Do you think Jacob actually gave the instruction to his sons as they sent the message to Joseph?  Why or why not?  (Look for clues in the text in verses 15 and 16.)  What do you think this indicates about their relationship with Joseph?

2. Are you afraid that God hasn’t fully forgiven you?  That there is yet something you need to do to justify or defend yourself before a revengeful God?  Read Romans 5:1-11.  What does this say about what Jesus did on the cross?  How does this passage reassure us of the completeness of God’s forgiveness?

3. Read Genesis 50:20. This is a key verse for the story of Joseph.

Joseph had absolute conviction that God had a purpose for his life, and in all the events that had taken place, God had never abandoned him.  Joseph never abandoned God either!  He remained faithful and hopeful, and allowed God’s purposes to be fulfilled, for his own benefit, for that of his family, and also the future of God’s people, Israel.  What degree of conviction do you have that God has a purpose for your life?

What current situation can you think of that has been meant for harm  towards you, or towards others? 

4. Read Romans 8:28-38.  Just as Joseph trusted God to bring good out of evil, can you pray now, that God will do the same for your situation?

5. Think back over the story of Joseph.  Make a list of the times that Joseph could easily have lost faith in God.  Why do you think he didn’t?  What can you learn from his example?

6. Joseph is called a “type” or “pattern” of Jesus, ie. there are echoes of Jesus in Joseph’s story.  How many similarities can you identify between the life of Joseph and the life of Jesus?  (*Hint*:  If you have a Life Application Study Bible, there is a list of these!) 

What is the most significant similarity for you?  Why?

7. Read again Genesis 50:20.  Can you imagine Jesus perhaps saying this as he stood before the crowd crying “Crucify”, or as he hung on the cross?  Take some time now to thank Him for all he has done for you.