For the Honour of His Name
This Sunday we conclude our reflections on the wonderful resurrection of our Lord. For forty days Jesus continued to appear and teach his friends, and then he was taken up to the right side of the Father, that place of power and authority. Acts 1.1 -11 helps us answer two vital questions: if Jesus is raised to a new order of imperishable, powerful, human life why can’t we see him today? Also: since he is the Risen Lord, worthy of all honour, what should we do about it today?
The opening verses of Luke’s second volume (Acts) help us answer these two questions, and so provide a perspective, a worldview, to understand our place in his purposes until he returns. A great desire to see his worthy Name recognised as such is the new motive that fires the church’s ever expanding mission.
Reflection Questions
1. Ponder this question ‘if Jesus is real, why can’t I see or touch him?’ What kinds of answers to this question, have you heard?
2. Have you ever given a costly gift, only to be given no thanks? How did you feel?
3. What gifts has God given us, according to Luke’s Gospel (eg. Luke 1.39-56, 4.16-21 & 6.35)?
4. ‘It does something to the Christian to think of God being so generous in creating us, sustaining us, and giving us salvation in Jesus, yet millions around the globe not honouring him. Some fail to thank and honour him because they don’t know his name. Some because they’d rather thank gods that had nothing to do with this generosity. Others fail to thank because they’d rather give credit to themselves.’
How does this reflection impact the Christian’s heart?
5. Read Acts 1.1-11. What was Jesus doing with his body in the first 40 days after his resurrection?
6. After his appearances he was taken somewhere (Acts 1. 2,9). Where did the Risen Lord go?
7. Our Anglican Communion Service begins ‘Lift up your hearts: we lift them up to the Lord’. How does this language helpfully reflect Jesus’ present position between ascension and return?
8. What does Christ’s ascension show about his susceptibility to succumb to the power of sin & death? (clue: ponder whether sin & death have power in heaven).
9. In what ways do Christians today sometimes stand passively waiting for the Lord to come and renew all things? (Acts 1.10-11).
10. (I) What mission has the Risen Lord given, instead of passive waiting? (Acts 1.6-8).
(II) What help has he given for this mission?
(III) If we have seen Christ’s worth, the Father’s generosity, in creation and redemption: what should be the Christian’s driving motive as they pursue Jesus command: ‘you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1.7-8.