Sunday, August 15

This Sunday we pause to reflect on a key aspect of our shared life, the stewardship of our finances. 

You will have opportunity to hear a financial update from our Wardens and Treasurer, a perspective from the Vicar, and an encouragement from the Scriptures from Rev René. 

We will invite our members to consider their response to the Stewardship Campaign and make a giving pledge for the coming year. These pledges may be returned to St Luke’s from August 29- either in person or via mail/email, or drop off to Coffee on Kareela (whatever COVID restrictions permit). 

Thank you for your giving. May God bless you as you trust in his goodness. 

Questions for reflection.

  1. Read Luke 18:18-34. What was the motivation of the man coming to Jesus with the question?
  2. What needs to happen before the man can leave everything and follow Jesus?
  3. Why can money and worldly resources sometimes be a trap? What can we do about it?
  4. Read 2 Corinthians 8:7-9. Paul invites the Corinthians to give. What motivations does he use to provoke their generosity?
  5. In the new heavens and the new earth we are promised abundance and security in the presence of God. (eg. Ezekiel 47) How does this promise help us to be generous with what we have while we wait for the Kingdom?