Sunday, August 8

Exploring our St Luke’s Values

3. We value the way of discipleship

We walk a different path from either legalism or cheap grace

There are two paths that lead away from the life of genuine discipleship. The first way to stray from Christ is the way of religious legalism. Religious legalism puts human moral effort at the centre of all things. Moral effort and human religious practice become our self-salvation, our great pursuit. The second way to stray from the path of discipleship is the way of cheap grace. Cheap grace says ‘God loves me so I can do anything I want’. This limits the claim of Christ over our lives and turns the Scriptures from God’s very words into an optional sourcebook of spiritual inspiration.

Against religious legalism we rely not on ourselves, but upon Christ for our redemption. Against cheap grace we witness to the total claim of Christ upon our lives. He has redeemed us at great cost. The only right response is to thankfully surrender all to him, in the power of the Spirit. This is both the most costly and the most satisfying way to live.

Reflection Questions 

1. Read Luke 18.9-14. How would you describe the Pharisee and then the Tax Collector’s attitudes towards: (i) God; (ii) their own moral track record; (iii) other people?

2. Read Luke 7.36-50. How would you describe Simon the Pharisee and then the woman’s attitudes towards: (i) God in Christ; (ii) their moral record; (iii) other people? 

3. What strikes you about Jesus’ mini parable in Luke 7.41-43? What is Jesus saying about the relationship between receiving God’s love and kindness in Christ, and responding to it?

4. In what way was God’s grace in Christ costly to him? In what way is responding to grace costly for we his followers? How does receiving this grace change our attitude towards: (i) our moral track record; (ii) other people, especially those who don’t seem to measure up to our human standards of virtue?

5. What would you expect to see in a faith community that is aware of God’s grace in Christ? What kind of qualities might we see in our shared life?