Sunday, December 20

Advent 4: Responding to the King 

This week we continue our journey towards Christmas, our preparation for Christ’s coming into the world. After the angel Gabriel visits, Mary rushes to Elizabeth -baby John the Baptist leaps at their encounter- and Elizabeth prophesies. And then Mary’s wonderful song of Praise -‘My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour’ Luke 1.46-56). Our city is focussed on keeping COVID out of the community, and renewing social and economic life, yet our God has a bigger purpose than simply COVID recovery. Our great God is bringing his beautiful, gracious, reign into Melbourne, even Frankston. Elizabeth and Mary saw the in-breaking reign of God and responded, offering an example for us: may we likewise be filled with the Spirit, speak and rejoice.

Reflection Questions 

1. What are the two key promises God held out through Israel’s prophets? Who did God promise was going to come? (See Isaiah 9.6-7; Ezekiel 34.11-16). 

2. How would the promised One treat the oppressed of God’s people? 

3. What strikes you about the effects of God’s saving reign in Isaiah 11.5-9? 

4. In whom, then, did the angel Gabriel say these promises would find fulfilment? (See Luke 1.29-33).

5. Compare and contrast the results of relying on the good gifts of this life for joy, versus relying on the incoming reign of God in Christ (see Luke 1.46-56). 

Praise and Worship Videos 

1. Chris Tomlin, ‘Miracle Love’.

2. Sovereign Grace Music, ‘All I Have is Christ’.