Doing a job or shaping a future?

The story is told of two bricklayers. When one was asked what he was doing he said, “laying some bricks”. When the other was asked what he was doing, he said, “Building a cathedral”. They were both doing the same task, both were technically correct, but they had a different focus in mind.

To change the illustration, a parent could approach changing their baby’s nappy as simply a menial task, or as a normal part of shaping the future life of a precious child. We can cook a meal simply to eat or we can cook to bring hospitality and blessing to others. We can go to work simply to get a pay cheque at the end of the week, or to make a difference to the lives of others in what we do.

Living the life of God involves a change of attitude. Frequently life can be mundane. There are many daily tasks to do that are simply a part of life. It can be easy for these to become ’drudgery’, a job to be done when we would rather be doing something else.

St Paul says, “whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31). He worked hard with his own hands, he says (1 Cor 4:12). Jesus said “My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I too am working” (John 5:17). Furthermore he says, “The one who sent me is with me; he has not left me alone, for I always do what pleases him” (John 8:29).

Do you hear the attitude shift in these words? Our daily lives have divine purpose. Each and every day we can make a difference to others. Each and every day we are representatives of the living God. In the little things, the mundane and repetitive, we are not just doing a job but shaping a future.

When we make that change in our minds, and experience God’s love in our hearts, then working and using our hands to serve others begins to become a joy not a job.

Where is your attitude at right now? Do you see God’s purpose and God’s calling in your daily life? Do you gladly do mundane things for the sake of others, even those you don’t know? Are you laying bricks or building a cathedral?